mansfredinnovation ’s Business Ethics Hotline service is a way for individuals to report illegal or unethical behavior, including violations of the Code of Integrity, Business Ethics, and Conduct (the “Code“) in a secure, confidential, and anonymous manner. The service is operated by an independent third party and is accessible 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. Once a report is made, it will be promptly investigated. Individuals wishing to make a report directly to the Chairman of the Audit Commitee may do so by mailing the Chairman at the address listed on the right.
Argentina: 00.800.2002.0033 (toll free)
Australia: +800.0002.0003 (toll free)
North America: 1.866.021.0714 (toll free)
Oman & Venezuela: + (collect)
United Arab Emirates: +800.0.3570.3557 (toll free)